Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Updates for October 21

Just wanted to let you know that I work on these updates throughout the day, so if I accidentally miss your update, please leave a comment so we can read you!

Without further ado:

Karen shows us what 35 weeks looks like at the big cozy

Helen isn't quite wordless on The Adamis

Amy shares a link to Gifts for Yule that makes me wish I lived in Denver at groovygrrl's weblog

D. Lynn shamelessly borrows a great plot mapper idea for screenplays or novels at Writtenwyrdd

Tammie camera-dumps and shares a few more thoughts about pumpkin patches (heh) at Irregular Tammie

Rayna muses on the Festival of Earthen Lamps at Coffee Rings Everywhere

Missolea gives us the rundown on Flash Forward at Her Affectionate Heart

high over happy posts pictures of cairns she's spotted while hiking

JEM gets all giddy over crafting Solstice gifts at Jessie Earth Momma

Jen reports on a health scare for her beloved Kaweah (all is well now...yay!) at use real butter

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Pam posts a picture of her dog in a superhero updo: