Sunday, October 06, 2013

Day 6, 2013--Something New

Today, I got a new iPhone 5C.  It was time for us to renew our contract and Best Buy was having a good deal, so we went with it.

I have to be honest, though.  I LIKED my old phone.  I liked the feel of the Otter Box (that makes me feel dirty all of a sudden) in my hand, I knew where all the stuff was...

This phone feels weird in my hand (no purple Otter Boxes for the iPhone 5C?  Really?)  It runs on iOS 7, which feels very 1980s to me.  It is smaller and lighter and...just weird.

These are first world problems, I know, but they bug the stew out of me.  I'm not big on change.   But change is good, yes?  Yes.

I've realized in doing NaBloWriMo again that something has to change about my interweb habits.  I say it all the time, I've said it before on I'm Not Hannah, but I spend too much time frittering and not enough time DOING what I need to do online and on the computer.  It puts me behind on everything.

So I've resolved again (for the 90th time) to change my evil internet ways.  We'll see what happens.

NaBoWriMo teaching (or reteaching) you anything?


Nessabutterfly said...

It's forcing me to do more purposeful writing. Especially because I don't use my blog for personal posts. I get personal, yes, but I always have a goal for the post when I sit down to write. It's hard to be that focused every day.
I cheated a little today and just gave a costume update (which isn't actually cheating since it's a stated feature of my blog). It was super short with two WIP pictures and an explanation about why my blog might not have posts for the next 10 days (even though I'll be writing them).

Unknown said...

Way to upgrade Feather! And I am with you about frittering on the internet ... gotta go do some more frittering or maybe not?

Shannon Mackle said...

Just a couple of months ago, I gave this relationship doctor Robinson buckler a try. It was my last hope to get my ex husband back.

Weeks before my ex left me and our 2 children, there were a lot of argument and fighting between me and him. On the day he left me, he told me that he doesn't think he loved me any more and this was not working. I was so devastated hearing this, I begged him not to go and I even promised that I would change. But he made up his mind already. He packed his bags and left our house.

I tried calling him and texting him to tell him I miss him and still love him. I asked him to give us another chance. He slowly stopped replying to my messages and stopped picking up my calls.

I then searched the internet on how to get ex back, and even bought a few products such as text your ex back and ex recovery system. Nothing worked, and my ex was still very cold towards me.

When I was about to give up, I found Robinson buckler ex back program. He is a relationship coach with a lot of success stories. I knew what I needed was not a book but a coach to guide me how to make my ex fall in love with me again. I immediately signed up for his program.

In the first couple of days, I made a lot of good progress. I am happier and more confident. My ex saw the positive changes in me, and started to talk to me more and even asked me out for dates.

Fast forward two weeks later, my ex told me that he wants to give our relationship a second try. I was beyond happy when I heard that.

Now, we are closer and happier together. It would not have happened without Robinson buckler help.

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